The Truth About Mobile Concrete Batching Plant Cost

If you are searching for information on the mobile concrete batching plant cost (мобильный бетонный завод цена), you have landed at the right place. Mobile concrete plants are in huge demand all across the world. The industry is expected to grow at a fast pace and this has led to a boom in the supply of these plants. As far as the overall cost of a mobile batching plant is concerned, it depends on a variety of factors. Before we discuss these factors, you should be aware that there are all kinds of manufacturers offering these plants but you need to be careful when buying one if you do not want to end up with a lemon.

Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant
Mobile Concrete Mixing Plant For Sale

Output Capacity

These plants are sold in various configurations and in various capacity levels. Their capacity is never going to be as high as their stationary counterparts due to their portability. In terms of cost, plants with higher capacity are going to be more expensive as compared to lower capacity plants.

Choosing the right capacity is something of an art. You can always buy too much capacity if you have some money lying around but that doesn’t mean that you’re going to get optimum efficiency. If you’re not able to run your batching plant (завод бетона) at more than 80% utilization rate, on a consistent basis, the operational efficiency will suffer. It simply means that your operational costs are going to be high and that is something you do not want. So, do not go out and buy as much capacity as you can afford to buy. Think about the projects where you are going to supply concrete and choose capacity accordingly.


If you are new to this industry, you might think that brand-name does not matter much but you would be wrong. As discussed in the opening paragraphs, there is a huge demand for these plants which has attracted a lot of businesses. Many of these businesses do not have adequate resources and expertise to manufacture good quality concrete plants that last a long time.

It does not mean that all the new entrants to the industry are bad. The experience of many buyers suggests that you are better off going with an established brand with many years of experience in the industry (like China AIMIX). The advantage of sticking to an established brand is that they have an existing service network which means you shouldn’t have any problems in sourcing replacement parts as well as technicians for regular servicing and maintenance. Also, you can easily find reviews from previous buyers which should help you choose the right model for your specific needs.

Component Quality

A mobile concrete plant is made up of a number of components. No manufacturer in the world manufacturers all these components in their own factory. Some of these components are made in their own factory but a good number of components are sourced from various suppliers. Some companies cut corners and use lower quality components in order to bring down the overall cost. This is why, you need to dig deeper when you are comparing the quotes given by different manufacturers. It will make sure that you don’t end up with a lemon.

Overall, there are hundreds of companies out there selling mobile concrete batching plants at various price points. Stay away from companies offering a significant discount as compared to the prices quoted by establishment companies as you are likely to end up with a lemon that will cost a ton of money in repairs and maintenance. Focus on brand-name, quality of components used in the machinery and overall reputation of brand in the industry in order to get the best return on your investment. Learn more about mobile concrete batching plants: