Have Qualities of a Paper Egg Tray Making Machine

Are you planning to buy a paper egg tray making machine in the next few days? If you do, you need to keep a few things in mind. For example, the starting price of these machines is $8000. They are available in three versions: manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic.

Make Paper Egg Tray
Make Paper Egg Tray

The manual machines don’t have a separate drying line. This is a big drawback because you would have to rely on the weather to dry the trays. However, manual machines are more affordable than their counterparts. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to save money upfront or enjoy the benefits of an automatic egg tray machine by paying more initially. But if you want a machine that provides solid performance, here are a few qualities that you should remember:

1. Output capacity

How many egg trays can the machine make in one hour? This is the biggest factor that you should consider before buying the machine. Moreover, the quantity of waste paper that the machine can handle in one session is another thing that you should keep in mind. Most semi-automatic machines can make 1500 to 2000 trays in one hour. You can buy a high-end machine that can make as many as 3000 trays within that time. Most automatic machines have a starting output capacity of 3000 trays per hour. They require approximately 150 kg of waste paper to make these trays. The difference in drying line also plays a crucial role in the output capacity of the egg tray maker machines.

Efficient Egg Tray Making Machine for Sale
Efficient Egg Tray Making Machine for Sale

2. Available molds

Paper egg tray making machines come with a few molds that you can use to make egg trays. These are available in various shapes and sizes, depending on the number of eggs you want to keep. For example, the most standard mold is the one that can accommodate as many as 30 eggs on one tray. You need to check whether the manufacturer is providing any free mold with the machine or not. It is always better to check the mold’s design and how it works before you buy the machine. Beston China offers customized machine. You should also check whether the machine has the following properties:

● High-pressure washer
● Baler
● Negative pressure tank
● Vacuum pump
● Transfer mold

These properties are essential to give shape to the egg trays.

3. Drying line

As already mentioned, manual machines don’t come with any in-built drying lines. The semi-automatic models have a brick drying line. It takes time for the drying line to heat up before it can dry the egg trays that come from the molding chamber. On the other hand, fully automatic models come with a metal drying system. They are able to dry the trays quickly. As a result, these machines have a much higher output capacity than manual or semi-automatic models. Some of the high-end fully automatic machines can even make 6000 trays in an hour. That should give you an idea of their capacity. Choose your machine here: https://bestonasia.com/egg-carton-machine-for-sale/.

What do you prefer? Initial savings or high output capacity? Your answer will determine the type of machine that you can buy within your budget.